Purposive Rambling

the journey is the reward.

Posts Tagged ‘favorite

A Favorite Thing

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I wouldn’t say that I’m “addicted” to lolcats. It’s not like I would have some sort of withdrawal if I was away from the computer for a few days and couldn’t check them out – as long as I knew I could catch up soon, of course.

Typically, I check them out a few times a day. It’s harmless, though, right?

What’s the worst that can happen? It might cause you to LOL? I’m pretty sure that’s a good thing.

I suppose there’s also a risk of embarrassment if you go public with this kind of obsession.

Let’s say you (hypothetical scenario, of course) hang some of your favorite lolcats on your office wall and your students stop by for some exam review. They might see it – along with the framed picture of your own cat on your desk – and remark that you must “really love cats.”

Maybe a little embarrassing, but you can shrug it off with a laugh, change the subject, and make a mental note to take those off the wall ASAP.

That’s probably not enough to earn the label of “crazy cat lady.” If you want to avoid that label, you should probably not tell your students that you also have a favorite lolcat on your computer’s desktop background and that you keep a special folder on your desktop with 66 of your past favorites (examples below) that you may or may not look through from time to time when you need to LOL. Yeah. I wouldn’t tell them, or anyone, about the folder.



Written by Lisa

May 13, 2009 at 1:55 pm

A Favorite Thing

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Some days, you don’t even notice the little things. And other days, it’s the little things that keep you going.

I have been pretty annoyed at all the snow we’ve been getting lately. It’s put me in a funk. I’ve been dreaming of spring.

But today when I was walking from the car to the apartment, I noticed that the sound of snow under my feet was a little amusing.

When there’s a lot of snow, there’s not really any noise. But now that it’s melted a little and it’s been plowed a little, there’s just this thin, packed-down layer on top of the pavement. And it makes a squishy kind of sound that I can’t exactly describe in words, but it’s fun.

Or, at least it was fun today when I needed a pick-me-up and I was high on caffeine.

Written by Lisa

February 4, 2009 at 9:27 pm

Posted in Favorite Things

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